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Estate, Gift, & Income Tax Planning & Compliance

Non-Controlling & Controlling Interests


Ownership control can often be a very important issue in valuation. The owner of a controlling interest enjoys some valuation rights that the owner of a non-controlling interest might not possess.  Alternatively, a non-controlling interest holder in some entities might have some elements of control e.g. swing vote potential or veto power. Such issues need to be carefully reviewed, and PVI has years of experience analyzing such situations.

Real Estate Interests


We have experience valuing interests holding a variety of different real property. Hotels, motels, retail, office, industrial, multi-family, special purpose & raw land…we’ve got it all covered! We also value direct partial interests in real property, often called fractional interests.

Family LPs, LLCs, and Corporations


Entity structure and type can often be a very important issue in valuation. The structure of an entity can impact after-tax economic benefits e.g. “pass through” entities like partnerships, LLCs, and S Corporations do not pay income tax at the entity level and “pass through” their earnings and losses to their owners. Such issues need to be carefully reviewed and PVI has years of experience analyzing such situations.

Discounts for Minority Interest & Non-marketability


A careful examination of legal documents, research and data and applicable case law as well as a host of other factors is needed to arrive at a defendable and appropriate discount for lack of control or marketability. We make it our priority to stay up-to-date on the latest research, data, and case law to ensure accurate analysis for each project. Our internal controls ensure that our reports are fundamentally sound and fastidiously documented and supported.

Charitable Contributions


Charitable donations of closely-held business interests are governed by a gift agreement between the donor and the donee that outlines the interest being gifted, the rights of the interest, and the restrictions placed on the interest. PVI can provide recommendations regarding the rights and restrictions for the interest, and can also assess their impact on minority discounts.

Strategic Planning

Buy-Sell Agreements & Partner Buy-ins & Buy-outs


A buy-sell agreement is a legally binding document that determines how a partner or shareholder may purchase the interest of another partner or shareholder. We can assist you by reviewing these agreements from a business and valuation perspective. We can also help in partner buy-in or buy-out situations where no such agreement exists

Business Plan Development


We help management teams think through and develop business plans. Building a company requires sound planning and proper financial management!
We can help with:
Cash Flow Projections & Analyses, Market Positioning, Competitive & Industry Dynamics and Identifying Growth Opportunities & Drivers

Acquisition and Divestiture Plans


Inorganic growth through acquisitions can be an effective means of breaking into new markets or expanding geographically. We can provide quantitative and qualitative analysis to help with the acquisition or divestiture plan

409(A) & Stock Options​


IRC section 409(A) regulates the taxation of stock options.  Under 409(A), if a company issues stock options to employees at a strike price below fair market value, both the company and the employees can face severe penalties from the IRS. Our 409(A) valuations help start-ups and other companies set an appropriate strike price for their stock options.

Performance Improvement, Turnarounds, & Bankruptcies


We help boost the value of your company by focusing on ways to reduce costs and improve the quality of the financial information needed to make management decisions. We can also help with identification of viable earning assets, restructuring and turnaround planning and valuations for Chapter 11 disclosure & debtor-in-possession financing.

Valuation of Intangible Assets​


We can help value patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and other forms of intellectual property (IP). We are familiar with several different IP valuation methodologies e.g. relief from royalty & excess earnings. Rely on our expertise to utilize the most appropriate analytical approach for a given situation

Litigation Support

Shareholder Disputes


Ownership control can often be a very important issue in valuation. The owner of a controlling interest enjoys some valuation rights that the owner of a non-controlling interest might not possess.  Alternatively, a non-controlling interest holder in some entities might have some elements of control e.g. swing vote potential or veto power. Such issues need to be carefully reviewed, and PVI has years of experience analyzing such situations.

Marital Disputes (Divorce)


We have experience helping clients with marital disputes (divorce). We can provide preliminary consulting on valuation issues as well more formal and meticulously documented appraisals (taking into account appropriate case law). Our team of professionals can also provide expert testimony.

Economic Damages


We have experience helping clients with valuations specific to economic damages (e.g. business interruption and breach of contract). We can provide preliminary consulting on valuation issues as well more formal and meticulously documented appraisals (taking into account appropriate case law). Our team of professionals can also provide expert testimony.

SBA 7(a) Business Appraisals

The Small Business Administration (SBA) requires an independent business valuation from a qualified appraiser for SBA 7(a) loans. We are both independent and qualified, and can offer guaranteed turnaround times without compromising on quality.

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