Our Story
Private Valuations, Inc. (PVI) was founded in January of 1995, by Dr. Adrien Gamache, as a joint venture with the shareholders of Bader Martin, a prominent Seattle CPA firm. The company split from Bader Martin in late 2000 and moved to Bellevue, where it remains today. Since inception, PVI has served clients ranging from small, local firms to multi-national corporations with operations in Europe, Asia, South America, and North America. PVI has managed the valuations of business enterprises of both tangible and intangible assets, in a broad range of industries. In addition, PVI has managed the appraisals of a wide variety of existing and proposed industrial and commercial real estate developments and has testified in a variety of legislative, administrative and judicial settings including Superior Court, Federal District Court, county and state ad valorem tax appeal bodies, land use regulatory bodies, and legislative committees.

Dr. Adrien E. Gamache, PhD, ASA
Founder (1942-2019)
Prior to Private Valuations, Adrien served as the Vice President of Consilium, Inc., a Bellevue, Washington firm, where he was primarily responsible for the technical direction and supervision of business valuations and real estate appraisal services. Adrien began his career at MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., a major British Columbia forest products firm, modeling manufacturing operations. He was then retained by a Portland, Oregon NYSE firm for several years as a consultant to the forest products and land use industries, after which he spent five years teaching courses in financial decision-making and land use economics at the University of Washington.